My monthly updates on drafting new WIPs.

1. WIP: Book 1 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: In Editing
Progress: I'm currently working on Draft 9 of this WIP. Progress has been immensely slowly as I conduct this readthrough, looking for any additional corrections, tweaks, or changes it might need. Once I'm done with that, I'll pass it along to a professional editor.
I do have some exciting news, however, about this WIP. It is now on Goodreads! You can now add it to your "Want to Read" bookshelf in Goodreads and get notified of updates on the progress of this book.
We're getting close to the finish line, and I anticipate a publication date in late 2023.
2. WIP: Book 2 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: Drafting
Progress: I spent all of November focusing on drafting this WIP. Currently, we're about 28k words into this project, and it's looking good so far. I've got a strong Act 1, and I'm already in the trenches of Act 2.
3. WIP: Book 3 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: Brainstorming
Progress: This book is on hold for now as I finish Book 1 and continue drafting Book 2.
4. WIP: Book 1 of SLC Trilogy
Stage: Brainstorming
Progress: I'm so excited to share that I have some great ideas for a new WIP. I'm still brainstorming right now, and trying really hard not to get swept away with excitement for this new book. I'll have to keep this one on the back burner for now, but I'm definitely excited.
Stay tuned for more updates!