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Adventures in Editing: Update 14

My weekly, Friday update....

Happy Friday and Happy August!

I just came back from a great camping trip to Big Bear, CA, and loved being out in the woods. We even got a little rain, which is very much needed here in SoCal.

It's been 2 weeks since my last check in, and I've been a busy girl. Let's take a look at how I did!

1. Goal: Finish Editing Draft 4

Result: I did it!

2. Goal: ProWritingAid Edits

Result: Done! This goal was to run Draft 4 through ProWritingAid, and I nailed that too! So, I'm officially onto Draft 5 of this WIP.

The Plan: Now that I've done all the major lifting, it really is all about clean-up now. I've asked my 2 sisters to do me a favor and be my first Beta Readers. They've agreed, so on August 1st, I delivered digital and printed copies of Dissent to them. They're going to read through as readers and report back how they feel the story held together and their impressions of the plot and characters. They're busy ladies, so I'm hoping they can have their read-throughs done by the end of the month. Sooner would be better, but I'm so grateful for their help, I'm happy to give them 30 days to read this WIP.

Now, let's take a look at my goals for this week.

While my sisters are reading Draft 5, I'm going to be doing the same thing. I've printed out the manuscript and have already started reading. I'm doing 2 things during this pass:

  1. I'm reading line by line, looking for spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and inconsistencies. I know I won't catch them all, but the more I pass a comb through this thing, the better it'll be before I hand it off to my editor.

  2. I've got my yellow highlighter, and I'm scanning for quotes to create teaser trailers and social media campaigns to get ready for book promotion time.

So, essentially, my goal for this week is to finish reading Draft 5. I've been doing about 22 pages a day, which has felt hefty this past week, but I'm going to try and keep up this pace.

That's all for today! Have a great week and don't forget to keep turning the page!

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