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Adventures in Editing: Update 13

My weekly, Friday update....

Happy Friday!

We are cruising into the end of this week, and I hope it has been going well for you!

This week was another 6-Days, 84 Pages Challenge for me. It has been lots of work balancing kids, home, my job, and writing. But, with lots of careful planning, I managed to make it to the end of this week in pretty good shape!

Let's take a look....

1. Goal: Edit 84 Pages

Result: As of this morning, I am on track to meet this goal! This week, I had 6 "working" days. And for each day, the goal was to edit 14 pages, for a grand total of 84 pages! I managed to meet this editing goal each day, editing 70 pages over the past 5 days. As long as I nail those last 14 pages today, this goal will be met.

The Plan: Alrighty, now let's take a look at the plan for this next week. I only have 4 working days as I come into the last week of Camp NaNoWriMo. But here's the thing, I got so far ahead early on, that I should be able to finish editing the rest of the novel today!

That's right! Assuming I meet my goal today, I'll have completed this round of edits and nailed my Camp NaNoWriMo goal!

So, where does that leave me?

Ok, it's not all done yet, so Goal 1 is to finish my edits for Draft 4 of this book. I'm pretty confident that'll get done, so let's take a look at a second goal.

After I complete these edits, I'm going to run the entire novel through ProWritingAid. It's a special software that does a deeper dive into spelling, grammar, sentence length, etc. It's a great "fine toothed-comb" to run my work through, and will catch things I've missed.

There are so many different types of reports I can run with this program that it does take some time to do this. So, my second goal is running the entire novel through ProWritingAid.

Now, next Thursday, I'll be leaving on a camping trip to Big Bear, CA! I'm really looking forward to it and could really use the R & R. But that means no update next Friday on how everything is going. As such, it'll be August the next time I check in.

Finally, 2 weeks ago, I started a #campnanowrimodiaries on Instagram where I've been positing daily on my progress toward meeting my Camp NaNoWriMo goals. If you want to follow me there, find me @jlamontbooks.

That's all for today! Have a great week and don't forget to keep turning the page!

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