My weekly, Friday update....

It's Friday! And I'm ready to report in on my progress! So, here we go...
Goal: Finish Cold Read
Result: DONE! I was able to finish my cold read and come up with my initial impressions. Despite the first few chapters needing a major rewrite, I found the rest of the story was solid. I have some scenes I want to add and a few other places were some minor rewriting needs to happen.
Goal: Triage Drat 1
Result: Done (for the most part). I created a list of the major fixes the story needs, including scenes that need to be re-written, added, and cut.
BONUS Goal: Start Editing
Result: I'm on it! Inspiration struck, and I started rewriting those scenes that were giving me trouble at the beginning of the novel. I also managed to write one of those scenes that needed to be added in order for the sequence of events to make more sense. That scene added another 2,266 words to the story.
All-in-all, I'm super please with my progress, and ready for another set of goals to aim for.
The Plan: My goal for this next week is to finish rewriting the beginning chapters. I know this will be a big undertaking all on its own. Once I accomplish that, I would like to review my Triage List and add/rewrite another scene that needs major surgery.
That's it. Let's see if I can get it done. Have an amazing weekend and keep turning the page!