My monthly updates on drafting new books.

1. WIP: Dissent, Book 1 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: In Editing
Progress: The book is slotted for editing with Tayler from Bailey and Bloom Ink in July 2023. This is amazing and I couldn't be more excited for this next stage!
2. WIP: Book 2 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: In Editing
Progress: I did it! I finished my first draft for this WIP on June 1st, and it felt so amazingly good! Now it's time to let this book rest for a couple of weeks before jumping into my first round of edits.
3. WIP: Book 3 of The Dissenter Saga
Stage: Brainstorming
Progress: This book is no longer on hold! With book 2 done, it's time to get working on book 3. I'll be letting book 2 rest for a couple of weeks before I begin editing. So, while book 2 is "resting," I'm moving on into full blown brainstorming mode for book 3.
4. WIP: Book 1 of SLC Trilogy
Stage: Brainstorming
Progress: I'm so excited to share that I have some great ideas for a new WIP. I'm still brainstorming right now, and trying really hard not to get swept away with excitement for this new book. I'll have to keep this one on the back burner for now, but I'm definitely excited.
Stay tuned for more updates!